Tag & Torch: Immersive RPGs with RFID and LED Magic

A project in Hamburg, Germany by Tobias Radtke

Status: Active

Connect and interact with your players using the power of multicolor LEDs and RFID tags—no matter where you or your players are.
Backers: 3
Average Daily Pledges: €313
Average Pledge Per Backer: €1045

Funding: €3,134 of €15,000
Dates: Mar 6th -> Apr 5th (30 days)
Project By: Tobias Radtke
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Latest News

Adding Perspective

March 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi @all,  I had a great Day. Even though I look at the Backers and think: "Well it could be better" I also know: It could be worse.  To clarify: I still hope, that we suceed together. But if not: that won't be the end. Because, to paraphrase V:... (Read More)

Blind Spots or: The things you don't know, you don't know

March 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi @all,  In my life I am fortunate enough to have enjoyed a good piece of education in different areas. Some of them useful, some not.  But no matter how much you learn, you will never be able to have an education in all areas. The best you can... (Read More)

Getting 0 and 1 moving

March 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi @all,  I am not a Big Data Guy. I am a tiny data Guy. I like to keep the data-transmission as small as possible.  That suits RFID as a technology just fine. Because the Tags I use can only save 144 Bytes.  That seems to be nothing. No way it... (Read More)

On motivation or: Whatever it takes

March 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi everyone, well, I am not going to lie: the last 2 Days were frustrating. Having a passion for something, having done it and not being able to get it moving in the way you want to does feel awful. But I will take a beating over something I... (Read More)

Understanding all the small parts

March 9th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi everyone,  since I wanted to dive a little bit deeper into the technology of Tag & Torch I will do my best to explain how it works and what I had to do to make it work:  Firstly, the so called SmartBase (that is the Part which represents the... (Read More)

On another Note: Party !!!

March 8th - via: kickstarter.com
Just a quick one: Today is my birthday, so grab a piece of cake everyone and enjoy the day :)   (Read More)

Things to build, stuff to learn

March 8th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi, I want to take the opportunity to tell you how much I have learned by creating this project and build a kickstarter. As some might know: This is my first campaign and I have never done anything like this before. So for me it is a learning field.... (Read More)

Background on the Project: "Touching Bases"

March 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi, we had an incredible start yesterday and I want to use the momentum to give some more insight on how this idea came to be and how I build the first prototypes: The first Ideas for this project came, how could it be any other way, with COVID. In... (Read More)

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