Professor Primula's Portfolio of Palaeontology

A project in Devon, UK by PalaeoGames

Status: Active

A palaeontology-themed roleplaying supplement
Backers: 1784
Average Daily Pledges: £16,362
Average Pledge Per Backer: £73

Funding: £130,893 of £10,000
Dates: Mar 8th -> Apr 7th (30 days)
Project By: PalaeoGames
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Latest News

120k UNLOCKED & Cross Promo with Old Oak Games

March 14th - via:
Hey everyone, Well, we've done it. We've smashed the 120k goal and are STILL climbing. There are now only two more stretch goals left.... although, saying that... we're discussing amongst the team about trying to squeeze in some more between 140k and... (Read More)

Another day, another milestone!

March 13th - via:
Hey everyone, Our project's momentum just won't stop! We're about to breach the 120k stretch goal, unlocking almost all of the remaining creatures. We've also sold out of Tier 13: Create a creature pledges!! This means that we'll be getting five... (Read More)

We've breached 100k!!

March 12th - via:
Hey everyone, Holy balls, £100k in FOUR DAYS! We’re far exceeding our wildest dreams with this Kickstarter and we’re yet to even launch into our sponsorships. From the bottom of our hearts: THANK YOU SO MUCH! With all of your support, we’re... (Read More)

Check out this other amazing D&D project from our friends at Roll For Combat!

March 11th - via:
Hey everyone, As we climb to the £100k mark, we wanted to share something extra with you. Our wonderful friends at Roll For Combat have just released their new Kickstarter. It's called: Battlezoo Ancestries: Living Legends It includes 14 playable... (Read More)

24 Hours in - the first day complete! WTF

March 9th - via:
Hey everyone,The last 24 hours have been a wild ride to say the least. After a rocky start with technical problems, our first day has not only seen us fund the book more than seven times over, but also unlock almost all of our stretch goals and... (Read More)

What a wild ride - £50,000 (500%) in the first few hours!

March 8th - via:
Holy moly everyone - what a wild ride. This evening has been an emotional rollercoaster. With all of the technical issues at Kickstarter’s end, we thought for a moment that we were going to be dead in the water, unable to take pledges at all! But... (Read More)

We've breached £40,000!! However we can't update the stretch goal info until the technical issues are resolved.

March 8th - via:
Hey everyone, Words cannot express how grateful we are for everyone's support - THANK YOU SO MUCH! We've smashed a bunch of stretch goals, but we're not able to update the images yet while Kickstarter are still having technical issues. We'll do so as... (Read More)

We're FULLY FUNDED!! - But Kickstarter has a display bug.

March 8th - via:
WOAH! What a start. We are fully funded in under 10 minutes, but for some reason Kickstarter isn't displaying anything. I'm contacting them for urgent support. Watch this space. We can't upload images to these updates either, so I suspect that this... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!