Dwarves revenge

A project in Paris, France by WispStudio

Status: Active

Amateurs de RPG, fans de fantasy et explorateurs en quête d’épopées épiques, nous avons besoin de vous ! Soutenez Dwarves Revenge !
Backers: 18
Average Daily Pledges: €56
Average Pledge Per Backer: €78

Funding: €1,411 of €50,000
Dates: Feb 19th -> Apr 20th (60 days)
Project By: WispStudio
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Latest News

Equipment and fighting style / Equipement et style de combat

March 14th - via: kickstarter.com
EN : 🛡️ Weapons and armor, fighting styles, creation and improvement : The weapons and armor you choose to use during your journey influence your skills, but above all your fighting style. All the equipment of the enemies you defeat can be... (Read More)

Important Characters / Personnages importants

March 13th - via: kickstarter.com
EN : 👥 Important Characters : Ten important characters will gravitate around your adventure to help you in your quest. They will provide you with support and skills to move forward as best as possible and face adversity.Want to know more ? Follow... (Read More)

Biomes and climates / Biomes et climats

March 12th - via: kickstarter.com
EN : 🏔️ Diverse biomes and climates : roam the desert, snow-capped mountains, foggy swamps and more! Each zone offers unique resources, fearsome creatures, and a climate will test your skills. Each biome hides its secrets, full of dangerous and... (Read More)

Trade routes / Routes commerciales

March 11th - via: kickstarter.com
EN : Update of game description 🧭 Trade routes : update trade routes previously abandoned for their dangerousness and grow businesses to obtain more wealth and rare components for your equipment.... (Read More)

Scepter -- sceptre

February 24th - via: kickstarter.com
We are pleased to present to you the first magical scepter, found in one of the forests you can visit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter le... (Read More)

Working on alpha -- Travaille sur l'alpha

February 24th - via: kickstarter.com
We are currently working on the alpha, here are some images of the mountains you will be able to visit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nous travaillons actuellement sur l'alpha,... (Read More)

Recompense niveau palladium

February 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Version française Bonjour, nous avons revus les récompenses a la hausse pour la récompense palladium à 50€ , vous aurez accès à la beta et vous aurez une arme exclusive Accès à l'Alpha, accès à la beta, arme exclusive, Jeu en accès... (Read More)

Reseaux sociaux, social media

February 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Bonjour à tous, veuillez trouver ci joint les liens vers les réseaux sociaux, vous trouverez des vidéos de modélisations d'arme que vous pourrez utiliser dans le jeux et certains biome Hello everyone, please find attached the links to the social... (Read More)

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