Modular Grimdark miniature Display Boxes STL pack

A project in Merksem, Belgium by BlackSheepScenery - Michiels Tim

Status: Active

An Easy to use & Fast to print modular system for displaying your miniature models of all sizes.
Backers: 28
Average Daily Pledges: €50
Average Pledge Per Backer: €18

Funding: €499 of €456
Dates: Mar 6th -> Mar 30th (24 days)
Project By: BlackSheepScenery - Michiels Tim
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Latest News

Bonus Gifts in exchange for reviews

March 12th - via:
As an amateur designer I'm having troubles to reach people in general. I already invested some money in promotion, but it hadn't very much effect. So therefore my proposition in bonus gifts. If youre gonna post pictures of your painted build scenery,... (Read More)

Functional door printed

March 10th - via:
I managed to make the door functional. Printed it at 0,24mm and at a normal printing speed. At high speed it didn't. Gonna try a lower layer thickness tomorrow to see iF its a bit better. But I'm going to adjust it a bit, so it can be printed at... (Read More)

Stretch goals adjusted

March 10th - via:
I lowerd the prices and uploaded photos of the strech goals.  (Read More)


March 10th - via:
altered some new walls  (Read More)


March 10th - via:
gothic skin B  (Read More)


March 10th - via:
Gothic skin A  (Read More)

Industrial Diorama tile

March 9th - via:
Gonna call it a day. Pretty happy with the progress tho.   (Read More)

Industrial Tile Diorama

March 9th - via:
So I build this tile with mostly my current projects pieces, some toy tubes and a bit of garbadge.  Only the collums I used from IU1.0. To show you the modularity of building out oF the box displays, diorama's and even terrain. Now iT only needs... (Read More)


March 9th - via:
Made a 'working' door. Printing it right now and adjustment will be made if neccecary.  (Read More)

made and added

March 9th - via:
I made the next 4 pieces for those who want to be a bit more creative with the box pieces. Handy for when you want to make diorama's or when you use the box pieces for scenery. And they will be included for everyone. 1 ladder for the 28mm boxes and 1... (Read More)

result stretch goal 500

March 9th - via:
So I just finished makin another pattern for the platforms. The reward will be added to the specific box type's and will be included for everyone. 28mm platform with alternatif pattern 36mm platform with alternatif pattern 36mm damaged platform with... (Read More)

Industrial Display Diorama

March 8th - via:
Meanwhile I'm building a industrial factory tile, with the use oF my display box pieces, misprint pillars, bad attempt walls, some plastic and railings. To show you that the modular box system, can be used for allot more, as you probabbly already... (Read More)

Stretch Goals

March 6th - via:
First of all, thank you for backing my project. And I wanted to inform you guys that Stretch goals have bin added.  (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!